South of Osaka, in the mountains of Wakayama Prefecture, is the temple complex of Kōya-san. It is the headquarters of Japan's Kōyasan Shingon sect of Buddism and the location of the Okunoin Cemetery, said to be the largest cemetary in Japan.
Walking the Okunoin Cemetary at night can be an erie experience, especially on misty nights, alone.
The Screaming Tombstone. During the day, it's possible to see all kinds of interesting things. One is a rather non-descript tombstone that would easily be missed if not for the sign. The sign reads: This memorial for a Buddist nun... has the date 1375 inscribed on it... Legend has it that if you place your ear on the stone and listen, you can hear the cries in hell."
No true Catholic could ever say no to this so down I went. I put my ear to the stone and listened. At that moment, something happened. I think, somewhere out in the woods, a forester must have thrown a heavy log into the back of a truck because there was an enormous CRASH and the tombstone vibrated. Gaghmablibivt!